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How to Install Node Js in Ubuntu

Explore the effortless and foolproof methods for installing Node.js on your Ubuntu system. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting this step-by-step guide ensures a smooth installation process. Follow along as we take you through easy-to-understand instructions, making Node.js setup on Ubuntu a breeze. Get ready to elevate your web development experience with Node.js, hassle-free.

curl -o- | bash

# or

wget -qO- | bash

If you want to check for the available Node Js versions use this command:

nvm ls-remote

If you want to install Node Js use this command:

nvm install node

This command will directly install the current latest version of the node.

nvm install v21.6.1

This command will install the version of the Node Js that you want to install. Just replace “v21.6.1” with your desired version.

If you want to check If the Node Js is indeed installed or not, Use this command:

node --version
npm --version

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